Alexander Julian

With his signature horn-rim glasses and distinctive redhead look, Alexander Julian is a colorful character. The first time we saw him he was also wearing periwinkle blue, purple, hot pink and apple green in a pattern and fabric of his own design. He was a wonderful jolt of color in the midst of a sea of menswear grays, tans and navys.

It was love at first sight.

Now with five Coty awards for fashion design and the Pinnacle award for furniture design among his souvenirs, Alex is still fascinated by color.

His latest experiment? A group of extraordinary (yep, read the label) linen shirts in colors inspired by the impressionistic brushwork of Monet. These colors are apparently solid, but closer examination reveals a multitude of different color flecks digitally printed on the fabric. Textile art says,”Hello, technology.”

In classic AJ style turquoise thread attaches the buttons and multicolor thread edges the buttonholes. And true to his penchant for whimsy, the contrast-color sleeve tab that is visible only when the sleeve rolls up and the hidden buttondown collar are sly bonuses.

Far and away our favorite shirts this season.  And, of course, currently in stock at PlainClothes.

Alexander Julian recently discussed his colorful career and this new project at a TEDx  (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference at the University of North Carolina.


The Big Broadcast


Men in Skirts